Mon-Sat: 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM    Sun: 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Syphillis Induced Erectile Dysfunction

Syphillis Induced Erectile Dysfunction

according to Dr Vinod Raina  best hiv specialist in delhi syphilis is a disease which is chronic in nature and is caused by treponema pallidum, this disease is caused by or it is transmitted sexually and is characterized by a episodes of acute disease interrupted by symptomatic periods average 3 to 6 weeks primary lesion can appear associated with regional lymph adenopathy and then resolves without treatment the next stage with generalized mucosal and continuous legends are generalized with lymphadenopathy and resolves importance Li and is followed by a latent period of subclinical infection lasting for years for decades in some cases central nervous system CNS innovation also takes place in early infections and central nervous system involvement may be symptomatic and asymptomatic.

Primary Syphilis =primary syphilis usually begins as a single painless papule  later on this  can disappear after sometime . In Hetro sexual men it has been seen that the papule can be located on the penis which can be seen  but in MSM it may be found on the internal Canal of anal rectum or mouth it has been identified as a source of infection in some MSM, in women primary sites are the walls of vagina and labia as well as anal canal and mouth , consequently primary syphilis goes unrecognised in women and MSM more often than in Hetro sexual men it is because the lesions are located inside the anus or anal Canal or inside the mouth and the patient is not able to see them by the naked eyes but in Hetro sexual men these regions are properly see on the penis and we can see them and so we can diagnose it very early in  men